TORNOS ABOGADOS SLP is the owner and responsible society of the website www.tornosabogados domain com.

The TORNOS ABOGADOS SLP company is registered in the business register of Barcelona, volume 85445, folio 118, Sheet No. B-268 048 .., 4 and registration number B-63149702, with registered office at Muntaner 292, first, second, 08021 Barcelona, and email

TORNOS ABOGADOS SLP advises its clients according to professional ethics of the Illustrious College of Lawyers of Barcelona.

PURPOSE AND CONTENT OF THE WEBSITE: Web site is strictly informative, to publicize the activities, services and specialties of the TORNOS LAWYERS SLP office The published information, especially newsletter and bulletins does not constitute a way of counseling in any matter. Using it as such is the sole responsibility of the user.

TORNOS ABOGADOS SLP is in no way responsible for any errors or omissions that may exist in the published information or the use that can be made of it.

The links in this website may lead users to other websites operated by third parties. TORNOS ABOGADOS, S.L.P. is not responsible for the contents or the state of the above pages, and access to them through this page does not mean that TORNOS ABOGADOS SLP recommends or approves their contents.


All rights are reserved in favor of TORNOS ABOGADOS SLP on both textual and graphic contents of the website as well as the contents published in it.

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